Moder—n no.3 regular edition
Moder—n no.3 regular edition
Moder—n no.3 regular edition
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Moder—n no.3 regular edition
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Moder—n no.3 regular edition
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Moder—n no.3 regular edition

Moder—n no.3 regular edition

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Moder—n is a culture magazine that covers a wide variety of contemporary culture by creating an art book-like magazine with bold visual compositions and dividing the contents into two (A & B) sides like an analog record. It is a magazine that can be listened to as well as seen, with music created by the participating artists included as a supplement in the form of analog records.

This third issue of the magazine features the legendary band PUZZLE PUNKS, a band of two legendary Japanese cult icons, contemporary artist Shinro Ohtake and EY of the Boredoms, who have been struggling for many years, crossing over the borders from the contemporary art world to the underground music world with ease. The magazine is edited in such a way that readers can enjoy their works from both visual and sound perspectives.

The magazine features 60 pages of artwork by Shinro Ohtake and EYヨ, arranged like a record, side-A and side-B.

 A separate text book by Masato Matsumura, a music critic and editor, will be included an essay which writes about the individual activities of two artists and their history from the formation of PUZZLE PUNKS to this latest release.

The special edition includes "PUZZPUNN," Puzzle Punks' first album of 14 songs in 26 years, on fluorescent marble 10-inch analog vinyl. (*The regular edition includes a flexi disc with two songs from the album.)

Please "listen to the magazine" and "look at the record" to experience the phenomenon of the revival of PUZZLE PUNKS that will further extend the history of contemporary art and underground music.

Edit: Akira Takamiya
Design: Satoshi Suzuki
Production Supported: Masayuki Shioda
Contribution: Shinro Ontake, EYヨ, Masato Matsumura
Printing: Seiko Printing
Pages: 144 pages with 4 color
Size: H287×W223mm with Saddle stitching
Appendix: Flexi disc (regular edition)


3冊目となる今号は現代アーティストの大竹伸朗とボアダムスのEYヨという現代美術界から地下音楽界までを軽やかに越境しながら長年に渡り孤軍奮闘している日本が誇るカルトアイコンの二人による伝説のバンドPUZZLE PUNKS(パズルパンクス)を一冊まるごと特集。彼らの魅力をビジュアル面とサウンド面という両側面から楽しんでもらえるような編集に。



「誌面を聴いて」、「レコードを見て」、現代美術史や地下音楽史を更に拡張させるようなPUZZLE PUNKSの復活という現象を体感してください。
